Want to look like a knockout? Here's a cardio-crazed workout that packs a "punch" :)
Equipment needed: dumbbells or band
Warm Up: 30 sec high knee jog, 30 sec butt kickers, 30 sec frankenstein walk (straight legged kicks), 30 secs standing oblique twists, 1 min inch worms, 1 min walking lunges
Push yourself as fast as you can on the exercise and recover during the jog/march:
30 sec jump rope / 30 march or jog
30 sec jump squats (squat for low impact) /30 march or jog
30 sec speed skaters/ 30 march or jog
30 sec jumping jacks/ 30 march or jog
30 sec jump lunges (alt. lunges for low impact)/ 30 march or jog
rest 1 minute
Push yourself to punch as fast as you can = more effective
30 sec jab punchs / 30 sec plank to pushup
30 sec upper cuts / 30 sec bicep curls (band or weights)
30 sec speed bags / 30 sec tricep pushups (elbows in!)
30 sec cross punches / 30 sec plank hip dips
30 sec hook punches / 30 sec side squats
Rest and repeat at least one more time. For a longer workout, complete 2 more times!!