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Check out our blog for at-home workouts you can do whenever you want, wherever you want! These workouts offer options for all fitness levels. Please remember before you start any exercise program, consult with your physician especially if you have a chronic disease or condition, are pregnant, or are seeking medical treatment.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Day Feasting Tips

The average Thanksgiving meal is 3,000 calories...red alert...this is for one meal!  What about those leftovers?  They usually account for meal 2 of the day...yikes!

We are going to share with you a few tips to help you enjoy Thanksgiving and not feel as stuffed as the turkey!

  • Speaking of the turkey, load up on it!  Thanksgiving turkey is a good source of lean protein and 4 oz (a deck of cards) has roughly 150 calories. 
  • Eat the foods you only get to have on Thanksgiving.  For example, you probably don't get to have stuffing or pumpkin pie every day, so enjoy some today and leave behind the foods you eat on a regular basis (to save calories).
  • Watch your portion sizes.  Enjoy your favorites but if you have more than one favorite, save room by using smaller portion sizes.
  • Drink lots of water.  You should do this everyday, but it is especially important when consuming foods that are high in sodium (aka gravy). 
  • Get moving!  Go for a walk with your family, throw the football around, dance, whatever you like.  Let's be realistic, these activities are probably not going to burn enough calories to equal your overindulgence (unless you do something intense like our Thanksgiving workout:) today but it will help...and you will feel better and it will help you digest all that food!

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